Monday, May 26, 2008

The Proof is in the Pudding

Those of you who are familiar with the show America's Next Top Model, may also be familiar with season 3 contestant runner up finalist, Yaya DaCosta. She was the contestant battling acne issues. Yaya definitely fits in my theme of how the condition of your skin is vital to great makeup. I must say it's uplifting for those of us who aren't genetically blessed with great skin to see someone in our position achieve it. Her skin has done a complete turnaround..

Here is a current photo of her skin with little to no Foundation

It's ironic that YAYA is doing skin commercials. I remember Jay Emanuel from ANTM telling her that the model agency's wouldn't hire a model with problematic skin, whether or not she's pretty. It would require too much airbrushing to get the image of clear skin in photos; airbrushing cost a lot of money. Well, who would have thunk it, Go that's inspiration.

And here's a photo of her at an event with makeup. Case in point: Relatively Clear smooth Skin+Makeup=Flawless makeup

Yaya says that she contributes her "transformation" to reduction in stress, drinking plenty of water, cleansing herbal teas and exercising. She wanted to clear the air, she doesn't use any oral medication ( eg; accutane ) as some may have speculated.

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