Monday, May 26, 2008

The Secret to Flawless Makeup

There have been countless times in the past that I have seen photos of celebrities and Models in magazines, or encountered women on the street with Fabulous makeup! The kind that make you say "Wow, her makeup looks gorgeous. I want that look". The kind that looks like they are glowing, thus you can't stop staring. After much thought, trial and error of my own makeup applications, I realized the secret to flawless makeup is not the makeup at all, it's the condition of the skin. Makeup+ Relatively clear smooth skin= Flawless makeup. There is no amount of makeup that will make problematic skin look "Flawless". Problematic skin with makeup is what I like to call "a made up mess". ( I know from experience, in the past) I believe the purpose of makeup is to cover minor imperfections and enhance our natural beauty. If your skin is not on point, neither will your makeup. I noticed that many magazines and people in general focus more on makeup application than the actual condition of the skin, the canvas. Yes, it's easier to pile on the makeup.....perfecting the skin is the hardest thing to do, yet the most important!

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